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Why Naturopathy

 Holistic Nutrition and

Wellness Coaching


Massage and Bodywork


Energy Healing

Vitalist Herbalism


Ayurvedic Bodywork and






How can Holistic Wellness help me?

Natural healing can help with

Super Health Food


Creating optimum digestion is essential to ALL other wellness practices. Balance is achieved through a healthy gut microbiome and whole nutrition. Seasonal food combinations and saatvic practices support optimum gut health. 

Immune Function

Supporting the immune system by creating balance helps manage autoimmune conditions, maintain wellness and reduce stress on the body. Inflammation and chronic illness is well supported by natural healing practices.


Clearing the body of accumulated toxins in a healthful way is a vital key to wellness. Detoxification of the whole self is essential. Panchakarma is a cleansing of the body, mind and spirit.

Women's Health

Throughout our lives, our bodies are in constant flow. Each cycle of a woman's life can be supported by natural healing to guide us through fertility and childbirth and also through hormonal changes and aging gracefully while staying vibrant and strong. Women's bodies are naturally in tune with Mother Nature and her medicine is ours.

Weight Management

Healthy weight management is made easy through natural wellness practices. It is never too late to start living well. Mindful choices, stress management and purposeful movement create lasting success.

Stress, Anxiety and Self Awareness

Our world is fast paced, over stimulating and often high stress. Natural healing helps us regain balance of the body, mind and spirit and maintain that balance for our best selves to shine and thrive. Natural healing is the ultimate self care practice.

Holistic Wellness Treatments


Holistic Nutrition and Wellness Coaching


Ayurvedic Bodywork and Panchakarma




Vibrational Healing Therapy

Traditional Massage and Bodywork Therapy


Holistic Facial Massage and Skin Care

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Holistic Beauty and Wellness Rituals


Bridal Beauty and Wellness 

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